Customer Service
We provide exceptional customer service in-store, offering introduction, repairs, and maintenance for a memorable experience.
Our Services
We have a variety of services to help with all your jewellery needs. Take a look at our list of services.
Product Care
Learn to maintain your jewellery at it's best condition, and how to best care for your beautiful pieces.
Our Services
We have a variety of services to help with all your jewellery needs. Take a look at our list of services.
Product Care
Learn to maintain your jewellery at it's best condition, and how to best care for your beautiful pieces.
Product Delivery
How we can deliver our products straight to you
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register an account on Chow Tai Fook e-Shop before purchasing?

Yes. You have to register as our user and Chow Tai Fook member to confirm your identity before purchasing. Please refer to Account Registration for details.

Are the items available online and in stores are the same?

Items sold online may be exclusively available and may not be provided in stores due to different sales situation. You are suggested that you should take the opportunity and order online at once.

Why are the prices different for the same items?

Prices may vary for the same design because of different production dates and thus the cost of materials. Moreover, prices are subject to the shape of the diamond and its 4Cs (Colour, Clarity, Cut, and Carat).

Is customer-supplied order available?

Currently, the website does not support customer-supplied orders.

Can I place the order by email or over the phone?

Chow Tai Fook e-Shop only supports online orders at the moment. Email and telephone are contacts of our customer service officers.

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